Thursday 9 August 2012

Use the tips in this article to lead you on your path to beautiful, clear skin. Having clear, acne free skin takes dedication and hard work. The beautiful results that you end up with will make your hard work worth it. 
  • Natural facial products

    When it seems that your acne will never go away, see if natural facial products make a positive difference. Many commercially prepared skin care products contain harsh, irritating ingredients that can exacerbate skin problems. This overproduction of oil can cause more acne by blocking pores. Natural products can heal your skin because of their antibacterial products.
  • Chamomile tea

    The natural properties of chamomile tea serve as an effective acne treatment. By placing a used, cool tea bag on the areas of your face with acne, you can reduce and slow any swelling or redness inside of a few hours.
  • Water

    A healthy water intake can be useful in the fight against acne. Research has shown that your body should get a daily amount of around 8 glasses of water. If you don't get enough water, you may become dehydrated. If you aren't properly hydrated, it can make acne worse, because it is harder for your skin to rid itself of dead skin cells. Acne thrives when dead cells are not eliminated.
  • Tea tree oil

    Tea tree oil can help you control your problem skin. Consider using tea tree oil, which is all natural and will not dry out the skin as various other acne remedies, but can be just as effective at reducing the buildup of oils in your pores.
  • Aloe vera gel

    Aloe vera gel has been used since ancient times by both the Chinese and Egyptians to heal different ailments.  The aloe vera gel has been proven to be able to improve skin problems, stimulating cell growth as well as in promoting healing of scar tissues that were formed by excessive inflammation and swelling

    • Zinc

      Zinc is a good supplement to help you fight acne because it is an antioxidant that helps fight free radical formation under the skin. To reduce bumps caused by cystic acne, try taking zinc supplements once daily to combat the acne from inside.
    • Garlic

      Garlic is a very powerful food. Garlic can help fight acne. When you consume garlic, it helps to remove toxins from your body and will help your new skin develop. It's easy to incorporate garlic in your diet. Garlic can be spread on many different things including bagels, or it can be juiced into whatever you are eating.
    • Lime Juice

      A mixture of half lime juice and half ground nut oil can make a good mask for fighting acne. Mix these together thoroughly and put it onto the affected area of skin to prevent acne and to heal it.
    • Honey and cinnamon

      Honey is a great home remedy for acne. Mixing honey and cinnamon together and placing it on your face for 5-10 minutes, will ensure a smoother skin as well as removing excess oils and waste from your face.
    • Hypo-allergenic pillows

      Consider buying featherless or hypo-allergenic pillows if you have facial acne. Feather pillows can be irritating. Using one may worsen your acne symptoms. When sleeping you should also keep your hands away from your face because keeping your hands against your face while sleeping can cause breakouts.   
    You can experience acne in many locations on your body, as it is not limited to only your face. By using the advice given here, you will be able to successfully banish your acne with the proper treatments and creams. If you continue to treat the problem, it may fade away completely in time.

    Sunday 5 August 2012

    Get Control Of Your Acne With These Tips

    Clear, beautiful skin is something most people dream about having. This article is the one you want to read if your goal is to get your skin clean and stop the acne monster from rearing its ugly head again.
    1. Stop using teeth whitening produces

      Teeth whitening products can be causing your acne issues. If you are experiencing acne breakouts around your mouth, you should stop using teeth whitening products. Tooth whitening products of all descriptions can cause acne problems. The skin on and around your mouth is very sensitive and easily irritated.

    2. Never squeeze pimples

      Do not pop pimples or whiteheads if you are having a problem with your skin. Squeezing pimples can introduce bacteria to the open wound, creating more blemishes. Also, if you repeatedly pick at the same spot, you can break open the skin and leave a scar once it heals.

      If you can't resist this temptation, then at least clean your hands and nails thoroughly or use cellophane as a buffer between your pimple and your nails. If you follow this advice, there should be fewer and less severe breakouts.

    3. Keep hair care products off your skin

      Although there is not a 100% guarantee that you can prevent acne flair-ups, you can do a few things that will help prevent them. It is important to keep hair care products off your skin as much as humanly possible. Try to keep hair spray and gel away from your face's skin as much as you can. Most hair products that are widely available contain high concentrations of oils which can cause acne flair-ups.

    4. Never pick at your skin

      Most importantly, don't pick at your skin. This will only create scars which could lead to further skin problems. Speak with your dermatologist about safe ways to eliminate acne scars.

    5. Avoid makeup

      Try not wearing make-up or use water-based makeup, instead, to see if it impacts your acne. Popular thinking says acne should be covered with foundation to make it look better; however, this will only make things worse by clogging the pores. All you have to do is avoid using makeup on acne and your pores will stay clean.

    6. Cleanse your face regularly

      If you suffer from regular breakouts, you should increase how many times that you cleanse your face each day. Wash your face every morning and every night to prevent oil and dead cells from building up.

    7. Limit your caffeine

      Caffeinated drinks like soda, coffee, and tea are awful for your skin, and are often major contributors to acne problems. Drinking less caffeine will make your skin healthier.

    8. Limit your alcohol

      Don't drink alcohol too often. It is fine to imbibe on special occasions or have a glass of wine or beer with dinner. However, when you are drinking heavily on a regular basis, your skin may develop major acne issues.

    9. Keep your cell phone oil-free

      Did you know that using your cell phone may be responsible for your acne? Since you use your cell phone frequently, oil from your face and hair can sit on your phone and rub on your face. Clean your phone with rubbing alcohol to keep it oil-free. Try not to touch your phone to your face when you use it.

    10. Limit intake of dairy and meat products

      Try to limit your intake of dairy and meat products in order to prevent further acne outbreaks. Many people feel that hormones in meat and milk can adversely affect acne; therefore, reducing your consumption of them will probably help your acne.

    11. Reduce stress

      Do what you can to reduce the level of stress you experience. Stress doesn't cause acne by itself, but can exacerbate existing acne.

    12. Keep your pillowcase clean

      Ensure your pillowcase is clean at all times. It makes sense. Throughout the night, you could be tossing and turning and smearing the dirt and oil all over your face. This can easily be avoided by simply replacing your dirty pillow case with a clean one before you go to bed.

    13. Clean up after sweating

      If you have acne-prone skin, make sure you clean up after sweating. Sweat will clog pores, and this may cause breakouts. After sweating excessively, try to have a ten to fifteen minute warm shower.

    14. Eliminate unconscious gestures

      Gestures are frequently unconscious. Eliminating them will require extra effort. You touch your face without realizing this constantly. Sitting with your chin on your hand, touching your nose and various other actions can increase acne problems.
    You might be able to find some acne-treating remedies on your own or through good all-around skincare, but if you want proven methods that will work for any type of acne, the tips in this article are what you're looking for. Make sure you use this advice and implement it thus in order to treat your skin.

    Thursday 26 July 2012

    Home Remedies For Arthritis

    You might have a hard time going on with your life because of the pain you have; even things like opening jars can be hard to do. If this is something that describes you, read on. In this article you will find some simple home remedies to help you manage arthritis and make your life more pleasant.

    Home remedies for arthritis

    1. Relaxing music

      Relaxing music can be a great aid when you are trying to deal with arthritis pain. This music works to unwind and relax, soothing your body and alleviating some of the uncomfortable and daunting pains of arthritis. Furthermore, this music will aid you in falling asleep at night.
    3. Castor oil

      Try doing castor oil massages on your stiff and painful joints. The oil has inherent beneficial properties, but the act of rubbing and massaging is an added benefit. The oil will relieve stiffness, and the rubbing will help with the flow of your blood and pain reduction.
    5. Exercise

      It may seem hard sometimes, but you need to get regular exercise to properly manage your arthritis. If you do not exercise the joints, they will tighten and make your arthritis worse. Try flexibility exercises if you suffer from arthritis because it helps to increase range of motion.

      You can improve your condition by exercising. However, use caution when you select the type of exercises you want to do. There are a specific group of exercises which can actually do more harm than help for your body. You might find that activities such as walking, cycling and swimming are beneficial, whereas sports that involve gripping of your hands, like tennis, should be avoided.
    7. Protein

      Get plenty of protein. Eating adequate protein is important to arthritis sufferers because your body uses it more than someone who doesn't have the condition. If meat is not typically in your diet, then make an extra effort to compensate for the lack of good protein, in order to avoid inflammatory and painful flare-ups or arthritis.
    9. Cold and hot packs

      Try alternating the use of cold and hot packs. This will soothe the pain more efficiently and reduce the strain on your joints. Be careful not to use ice or heat excessively, because either one can cause damage when overused. Do not exceed twice daily treatments.
    11. Specialized equipment for daily chores
      Buy specialized equipment to help you do daily tasks. A life filled with arthritis can be one of pain, but there are items you can own to make things simpler. There are special knives, can openers, shoe horns, pens, and zipper pulls that can help you with daily tasks. Consider investing in some of these tools to help you achieve an easier lifestyle.
    13. Break between chores

      Do not overexert yourself trying to complete all of your regular chores and errands in a single day. Even when it comes to ordinary cleaning, you shouldn't try to tackle more than one really big job in a day.

      Have a timer set. If there are chores that need done, set the timer to five to ten minutes so that you can have breaks when you need to. Many people attempt to push through their pain to finish everything in one shot, but this can harm you.
    15. Vitamins

      Have your physician evaluate you for vitamin deficiencies. When nutrient levels get low, such as in vitamin B-12 or iron, you can notice an increase in arthritis inflammation and pain. Knowing what your levels are, and having them checked often will reduce your risk for flare ups.
    17. Pain medication

      When trying to cope with the pain of arthritis, do not abuse pain medication. Too many are addictive and may only provide temporary relief. If you plan to use the pain medication prescribed by your physician, it is critical that you take it according to your doctor's instructions.
    19. Stress

      Never let stress overwhelm you. When dealing with lot of stress it can trigger inflammation that causes a lot of pain. Use stress-reducing tactics often to keep your body and mind strong and healthy, no matter the situation.
    21. Urtication
      There are many remedies in place for the joint irritation and inflammation that comes with arthritis. Urtication can benefit many of arthritis symptoms, and has been around since ancient times. It can help in pain management and work to control the symptoms that you feel each day.
    23. Laughter
      In some cases, laughter truly is the best medicine; it causes your body to release chemicals into your blood that can help to manage inflammation of your joints. Everyone can benefit from a little laughter!
    25. Sleep
      Now, more than ever before, your body needs plenty of good sleep. Lack of sleep makes it impossible for the body to fight painful arthritis effects. Get eight to 10 hours of sleep each day, depending on how much stress you have. The benefits your body will enjoy from proper sleep are tremendous.
    27. Bed

      Sleep in a bed that is right for your body. It is a good idea for people with arthritis to contact their doctor in order to find out exactly what type of bed should be used. Each person is unique, so getting expert advice is really the only way to find out which bed is the best one for your unique arthritis pain.
    If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you might feel guilty because you can't do what you used to. If your arthritis is particularly bad, do something less physical so you won't feel guilty.

    If you have a child suffering with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, you need to have a consistent treatment plan of exercise and physical therapy along with pain relief medications. Youngsters with rheumatoid arthritis must stay active in order to retain flexibility; however, they must also take care to protect their joints from damage and pain.

    A good support network is essential for anyone who suffers from the chronic pain of arthritis. Get check-ups frequently and consult with your doctor on the current state of your arthritis and the effectiveness of your treatment strategies. Also try to explain to family and friends the things you go through so you can get the needed support from them.

    There are a lot of things you should know when you are going to manage your arthritis, but you will have to spend the time putting your best effort into it. Use this tips as a starting point on your journey to combat your arthritis.

    Monday 9 July 2012

    Natural Ways To Make Your Daily Back Pain Less Painful

    It is common for people to have pain in their back. There are many different possible causes of the pain. If you are one of the people with this problem, read on to find out if there is anything you might be able to do to relieve your back problems and be happier.

    If you haven't had success with any of the back pain treatments you've tried, you may want to consider having an adjustment done by a chiropractor. The chiropractor will take x-rays, and you can then discuss how to go about treating it. If you follow your doctor's suggestions your back pain should decrease over time.

    It is more common to hear about breast implants rather than breast reductions. This is a personal decision and is considered a health consideration and not a cosmetic surgery. Big breasts may cause strains on your back, causing you much unneeded pain. Unfortunately, many women who choose to get breast augmentation find this fact out the hard way.

    An exceptional way to reduce back pain, if it is in your budget, is physical therapy. If your local hospital doesn't have a therapist, they can help you find one. A professional may be costly, but it will be worth every penny.

    If you are looking for more natural ways to find relief for your back pain, these tips may be helpful:
    1. When you have back pain, lay with your knees and hips at an angle of about 90 degrees. It is less stressful for your back than sitting and will be more comfortable. Having said this, as long as your spine isn't twisted, you should lay in the position that is the most comfortable one for you.
    3. If you must carry something heavy, switch it from one side to the other or divide the weight evenly. When you carry these things on only one side, it can produce more stress on the affected back muscles, which translates into more pain later in the day.
    5. All sorts of people experience back pain. Lifting heavy things can make your pain much worse than it should be. Great care should be exercised when lifting items.
    7. Eliminate back pain by avoiding anything that may cause your back to spasm. Typical triggers of back pain include dehydration, anxiety, lack of sodium, lack of sleep, caffeine, and stress. If you have a back spasm, try heat on the area, and rest your back to keep from worsening the pain.
    9. Avoid smoking! There have been studies that show that people who smoke have a 30 percent higher chance to develop back pains. Smoking can decrease blood circulation, which can cause your spine to be brittle and more vulnerable to injury.
    11. Drinking coffee will help relieve back pain. It's believed that coffee's caffeine blocks adenosine. Adenosine can cause back stiffness, so coffee drinking may help you stretch your back muscles, resulting in less pain.
    13. Some exercise regimens are good at minimizing back injuries, as well as the pain that it brings. For instance, yoga helps increase muscle flexibility and can stave off injury. Another great source of exercise for reducing back pain is Pilates. This program strengthens your core, which can help your stomach muscles to support your back.
    15. Ease pain in your back after hours of immobility at a desk by breaking to take a walk. Stand up and stretch your body and legs regularly to help stretch your back muscles. Doing this may help you reduce back pain, injury, and compression issues.
    17. For people suffering from immobility caused by back pain, gently stretching surrounding muscles and even your hamstrings can be a great remedy. The muscles in your back are large and are spread out over your entire torso; back pain can hurt your whole body. Don't forget to stretch some of the muscles in the vicinity of your back, as well.
    You have read about how common back pain is, and sometimes it's about finding what is causing you pain instead of jumping to the doctor right away. Take the advice that this article has given you, and make sure you are always taking good care of your back every day.